Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year on the beach

I have 8 visitors down from Jocotepec and luckily we got our two perfect beach days in over the weekend on the west end in Melaque. Today the remains of a North Pacific storm just blew in and it has been raining since 10am. They are out checking out Barra de Navidad like tourists need to do since they are lucky to get to the beach once or twice a year.

Four adults, four kids and my neighbors family rented two tables with a shade umbrella. They had made up a lot of seviche so we just bought coke, beer and a few goodies from beach vendors. Lots of fun playing with the kids, dodging the diving pelicans who were after the sardines. Even fishermen in boats came in for the sardines with their throw nets. Haven't seen pelicans for almost 6 months. Ocean is starting to get chilly but still swimable. Next month it will probably be too cold for me.

Diving pelicans

Beach crowd from the water

Raspados (shaved ice) in the shape of a Xmas tree

He just had to do it

Caracoles (sea snails) the kids caught
They also caught some chocolapas (sand crabs)

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

I awoke this morning to ...

.... this sweet old neighbor cleaning the front of my house. He lives around the corner and is always a pleasure to meet. Always lots of smiles, jokes and general jabber. He doesn't hear very well and didn't know I was there until I walked up to him. His progress below shows where he took a break but he was soon back and finished it all. Just another pleasure of living in Mexico. I'll try to give him 100 pesos tonight or tomorrow if he'll accept it. We'll see

Monday, December 24, 2012

Tomatoes gone wild

I planted about 6 plants and ended up with two. Any cherry tomatoes I've had in the past have never taken off like this. Maybe there are miniatures? I've since read that they can cover the wall of a house if conditions are right. I'm just glad I planted these next to the column in the planters or I would have had a heck of a time supporting them. I put a 1 meter wire basket around them but they quickly topped that and are now tied to the column. Also read that letting the branches droop is OK and they seem to be OK with that. Very soon to have lots of tomatoes.

My sister gave me some sprouting radish seeds when I was in Seattle but I figured since they are radishes they could also be planted. I ended up with great salad greens but no radishes. The Thai Basil and the Cilantro are doing great and are considerably larger than they show in the foto. Large enough to use some of the Basil.

Don't know what it is with corn and me but my second crop is failing. Two more melon plants have popped up in the compost pile. Had black and curly leaf hit the lime trees again and had to spray. Found a family of caterpillar like worms on my third lime tree and soapy water took care of them. Another caterpillar worm on the tomatoes who was very green inside from munching on the leaves. Bananas are huge but maybe another year for fruit. The Star fruit tree must think it's winter because it's dropped a lot of leaves. I think everything likes the cooler weather (me included) because they seem to be growing faster than they did this summer. Winter in Mexico

3 meters high

Lots of tomatoes and a finger

Radishes, basil and cilantro

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Jaluco Cocodrilo moved to La Manzanilla

This one was found in the upper canals of Laguna del Tules which reach into Jaluco and out of concern for children it was moved by Proteccion Civil to the Cocodrilo sanctuary in La Manzanilla. We do see Cocodrilos along the road to Pinal Villa during the rainy season in the mini-lagoons that form there but usually much smaller and younger.

Foto by David Dagoli

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Coca Cola Santa

We picked up Euriel at the Secondaria at 7 when it lets out. The rumor was the "Santa Parade" would be from 6;30-7 and we expected to miss it. We got to the plaza and the two new bars were trying to outdo each other for volume. The kids (lots) loved it - bouncing around the plaza and top honors go to the new one over 7-Stars for choice of music.

If we hadn't felt like a few tacos and beers we would have been long gone ... but come 8:15 along came the the "Coke Float" with lots of balls and candy to throw at the crowd. It was a big crowd but Coke cut it's costs this year. In years past there have been real floats and a number of them, this year just the one. Lots of fun and lights around the Melaque plaza

Friday, December 14, 2012

Melaque Sand Sculpture Contest

I posted about it on my Melaque Blog as one of the Festival del Mar events but we were busy all day and weren't able to get there until almost 4. Buying school things, dropping off two animal cages at the free animal clinic, picking up a donated counter top stove for my neighbors, taking Euriel to CAM for physical therapy and then dropping him off at Secondaria for the last 3 hours of school. He was missing his only day of English classes on Fridays so the school said he should come after CAM. I'll go for him at 7pm and really look forward to school vacation next week.

So about 4pm we dropped by the central Melaque beach where the sculptures were just to see what was left. They were reported to be in front of one restaurant but actually stretched for several blocks. The problem is they quickly dry out and/or people trample them for whatever reason. So here's a few of the best remaining.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Foto Geidy in Melaque

The best foto I got at the quinceañera was outside the church with Wendy in front of a nice black pickup. I was ready to enlarge the original when the store owner suggested they could remove the truck and put in another background (fondo). We looked at a bunch and decided on this one with some green to match her dress. This is a foto of the print with my IPhone so quality is poor but the print looks good. $200 pesos for the print which is about 10x12 and 80 pesos for the background.

Sunday, December 02, 2012

My Christmas tree

My Christmas tree ... a gift from a neighbor. We went shopping for the stuff to make them but I had no idea what she would come up with. I gave her the box from my water heater so she has enough to make a few. She calls it a "pino" or pine.

Arbol de Navidad

Cambio de la Presidencia

The day the new President takes office happens on December 1st every six year and that day is a holiday.   I was planning to pay my bills at the bank yesterday and of course couldn't.  I tried Friday and the orderly "take a ticket and wait your turn" machine was broken so a line was formed.  The three tellers waited on the same people for 20 minutes ... then a second line started in front of one teller with people just arriving.   The bank managers couldn't be bothered to do any policing so I just walked out planning to pay yesterday.   We'll see what happens Monday

I got some of my car problems fixed while dealing with the bank.   They found a loose steering arm and a bad front bearing.   Bearings are expensive bringing that cost to $1200 pesos.  Mechanic thinks I need to get it aligned and I agree.  A 12 your old car and it has never been aligned.   Monday I have a date with the auto electricians to fix a tail light and the headlight switch.   Poor old car is getting tired and being in the Jova flood did not help at all.

Yet another party last night ... this time a birthday party.   About 70-80 people on the street in front of the house.  The MC was a clown with a powerful music machine.   Lots of games, contests and 3 pinatas.  The two year old who's party it was slept thu most of it.   Drinks, gifts and pozole for everyone.   These parties are open to anyone that happens to pass by.   Well that's my week and back to painting the bodega which is looking much better than the cement grey.

Clown and a game

Girls dancing
The construction of the house finished in April 2011 and I'm pretty much settled in. As of March 2014 I'm in preparation for rain mode for this coming summer. That includes sealing and painting things and dealing with drainage issues from last year.

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Manzanillo Information
House building in Pinal Villa

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