Take a wrong turn in Mexico with a terrible map and this is what you might run into. Santa Maria del Oro - in the southern section of Jalisco. I was headed from Mazamitla in Jalisco to Los Reyes in Michoacan.
A number of friends were looking for the route I followed on good maps but nothing really close was found. This government web site had the best info and also shows that Santa Maria was recently called Manuel M. Diéguez.
El municipio de Santa María del Oro
Valle de Juárez in Jalisco (near Mazamitla) is where I started on my way to Los Reyes in Michoacan - thinking there was a decent road between the two. Actually I had a lousy map and was totally lost. Anyway, up and over the mountains I went on a paved but very steep and winding road. As I came down the other side I saw my first view of Santa Maria del Oro - which is essentially the end of the road. Santa Maria is just about the friendliest town I've run into in Mexico. The first night I was invited to a fiesta of nearly 100 people (primary school graduation) and the second night invited to dinner with a young family (the horseman below).
There were lots of little pueblos, ranchitos and farms beyond Santa Maria that I didn´t take pictures of because I didn´t want to be driving in the dark and I hadn't made contact with the locals. Taking fotos of small places that you zoom thru is like eating and running

My first view of Santa Maria as I came down the mountain.

The main street thru town is mostly one direction at a time. There are very few side streets in this little hillside town of a few 1000 people.

Looking down on almost half the town.

The local corner hangout for Coke, beer and important small talk. The guy on the horse invited me home with him for dinner with wife and baby.

Another supposedly 'end of road' town - La Aurora - but I pressed on

One of the two major bridges I crossed and a little of the road I traveled behind and to the left.

This is the valley-gorge that was crossed by the second bridge.
After many ranchitos, pueblocitos, rough roads and some close calls - I finally came in the back way to Los Reyes. A great and kinda crazy experience. I'm sure if someone else was with me I would have been talked out of it.
A number of friends were looking for the route I followed on good maps but nothing really close was found. This government web site had the best info and also shows that Santa Maria was recently called Manuel M. Diéguez.
El municipio de Santa María del Oro
Valle de Juárez in Jalisco (near Mazamitla) is where I started on my way to Los Reyes in Michoacan - thinking there was a decent road between the two. Actually I had a lousy map and was totally lost. Anyway, up and over the mountains I went on a paved but very steep and winding road. As I came down the other side I saw my first view of Santa Maria del Oro - which is essentially the end of the road. Santa Maria is just about the friendliest town I've run into in Mexico. The first night I was invited to a fiesta of nearly 100 people (primary school graduation) and the second night invited to dinner with a young family (the horseman below).
There were lots of little pueblos, ranchitos and farms beyond Santa Maria that I didn´t take pictures of because I didn´t want to be driving in the dark and I hadn't made contact with the locals. Taking fotos of small places that you zoom thru is like eating and running

My first view of Santa Maria as I came down the mountain.

The main street thru town is mostly one direction at a time. There are very few side streets in this little hillside town of a few 1000 people.

Looking down on almost half the town.

The local corner hangout for Coke, beer and important small talk. The guy on the horse invited me home with him for dinner with wife and baby.

Another supposedly 'end of road' town - La Aurora - but I pressed on

One of the two major bridges I crossed and a little of the road I traveled behind and to the left.

This is the valley-gorge that was crossed by the second bridge.
After many ranchitos, pueblocitos, rough roads and some close calls - I finally came in the back way to Los Reyes. A great and kinda crazy experience. I'm sure if someone else was with me I would have been talked out of it.
Tere ... the problem is neither of you left your email addresses. I am the one that wrote the original article (my Blog). Yes it is a pretty, small and isolated pueblo. I would like to see it during or after the rainy season. It was very dry when I was there in April.
Hi my name is Esther and I was born in Santa Maria. I came to the U.S. when I was 4 years old. I have been back lots of times. I love going there. I am going back to visit the middle of December 2005. My kids just love visiting too. When I'm their I feel rested. We have real good friendly people. I still have lots of realives their. My husband is also from Santa Maria, but we met here. I have lots of pictures of my town. And I will take many more this month. The picture you took of the main street, you took it from right next to my parents house, but you can not see it. The guy in the horse is my relative. I can't beleive you made it to Santa Maria I'm glad you liked it. My email is viajar4@yahoo.com
Hello I also go to Santa Maria. Both my parents were raised in or very near the town. I regularly went to the town as a child and always love going there. It is a big difference from all of the commotion and stress of the US. I am proud to call it my second home and i attend the festivities that go on from Jan. 3rd to the 12. I think that it is good that more and more people have the chance to go and see that there is no need to have the best possesions to live the good life. I think that you should go back and join in the fun during the winter season. My e-mail is Soccerguy1020@yahoo.com
Hi my name is Osbaldo and I was born in santa Maria but was raised in "el tepehuaje". I came to the US when I was only seven years old, and I still miss Santa Maria becuase there I have most of my family and you don't really get as much stress as you get here in the US. It's amazing you made it all the way there, after trying to make it to Los Reyes. I hope you can go on Jan.3 - Jan. 12, that's when the fun begins and most people who live here that are from there go. I hope we can meet if you ever go once again. Do you happen to have any more pics?
My e-mail is osbaldo711@yahoo.com
I stumbled across this site after looking for a decent map to show my friend where Santa Maria del Oro was located. I am amazed that you found this rural mountain side town. My father grew up in Santa Maria del Oro, but was born in there mountain home (el Guayabo) surrounding the town. They would walk three hours from the mountain his 11 siblings and go to school in the town. They had a house in the town and would spend the rainy season in it when they could not plant corn and other crops. My father now 50 goes nearly every year sense moving to the US when he was 17. I continue to have many relatives living in this town and had the opportunity to visit once again in December 2005, and plan to return next winter; I hope to see you there. I am interested to hear more about your stay in the town and what you thought. Moreover, I am planning to travel through Mexico this December and would like to know what places you liked most. E-mail me back at makelovenottrash@hotmail.com
04/06/06 Wonderful pics and story and loved reading the comments. It truly is a small world.
I agree, its a wonderful town with many good stories and great memories. Both of my parents are from Santa Maria and I remeber going there as a child and feeling like I was in paradise. During LA FUNSION (Jan. 6-Jan-12) its like a family party that never ends. When you are in Santa Maria its seems like time stops, there are no worries. When you are there you really truly breath and enjoy life. There is nothing like!
Your story brought memories to my dad. he is from La Aurora. He was raised there as a child. I have recently gone there, because i have family there.
my family is from sanata maria...everybody in that town is somehow related....im a Barragan Rangel...who knows alot of us on here might be related....maybe we can meet up in jan3-jan 12...my email is action430@yahoo.com...... santa maria is a beautiful traditional mexican town
Wow it truely is a small world my mom was born in la aurora and raised there but i have many family members that live in Santa Maria, St. Maria is a beautiful place i love going there i went as a kid at the age of 4 for the first time and i loved it... i love the pix you took do you have any more? please E-Mail me Sturberry408@hotmail.com
My Name is Joseph Sandoval and my father, Ruben Sandoval, is from La Aurora. I still have relatives there and it was great to see pictures of the home of my ancestors. Some day I hope to visit there. E-mail jsandoval57@myway.com
Guadalupe Gonzalez here...I was born to Genoveva Valencia and Antonio Gonzalez in La Aurora in February of 1973. We Imigrated to Chicago Illinois in later months of 1975. I have always held very romantic notions about the place that witnessed my birth. My 1st trip there was a trip into a world never before known to me. A wonderful world with no street lights, no running water or electricity. I was so much closer to nature and its unfamiliar sounds and scents. I remember mi abuela Leonor waking me late at night with a flashlight at hand "hija, vamos a tirar la agua"......" my groggy response "que agua abuelita?"
Guadalupe (Gonzalez) Garcia my email is lupegonzalez55@aol.com - I'd be happy to talk to anyone about this area....I am looking forward to the day I can take my two kids Amanda 5.5 and Nicholas 5 months to La Aurora....I am on myspace and there are two groups that I belong to for this area ...one is sur Jalisco and one is La Aurora....
Hello all ... This is my BLOG and I would like to visit again ... however ...
During LA FUNSION (Jan. 6-Jan-12) it must be impossible to find a place to stay since there are only 2 hotels in town ... and the one for 50 pesos sounds too basic for me. Maybe I'll try a little earlier or later.
Thanks for all the great posts !!!
My name is Soila Gutierrez and my father was born in Santa Maria. His name is Pantaleon Gutierrez and just turned 84 years old on March 13, 2007. He talks so much about his town and has great memories and history. I will share these photos with him and I'm sure to expect a tear from his tired eyes. I really want to thank you for the pictures! It's amazing what they say about pictures "They are priceless!" To anyone who wishes to contact my father may do so by emailing: soila2000@yahoo.com and I will be sure to share any photos with him.
Sincerely~The Gutierrez Family Lake Elsinore, California
Eduardo Ochoa (Lalo)nieto del
finato Raul Ochoa Estoy bien
salutes a todos Santa Maria
me escribier por coreo electonico
Adios Chin y Rafal y clavo
Chini escribeme por coreo
electronico a
It is amazing that Santa Maria is given some credit. Most of the time people have no idea where Santa Maria is so this blog puts us on the map. I am Adriana Gonzalez,I was just there in july of 2007. I had so much fun all the people of this town are very friendly and will offer you what ever they can. I had no been to Santa Maria in many years and coming back made me realized how much I missed this small town. I was so impressed that I plan on going back in January.
My email is adgonzalez2000@yahoo.com
Chuyin ( pepinillo )
All you people suck at guessing who the guy on the horse is. His name is Daniel Barajas or known as el Charrasco. My father was born and raised in Santa Maria del Oro and he is known as el pepino. Santa Maria isn't really a boring place its just that you guys probably just stay at home during the day and only come out at night. Some things that you should do when you go to Santa Maria is juggle a ball of string that is on fire with your hands, go to the top of "las bufas", take a shower at "agua caliente", drink fresh milk in the morning, go to the paleteria and play futbolito, and go to the plaza at night and eat tacos con Jovita.
Ps. ( The picture that says that you can see half the town shows most of my abuelitas house )
Hola soy Lalo me puedes ercribir
Erica Ochoa del Tepehuaje y Danny
o clavo tambien el de mi tio
majafierros eddieochoa1@gmail.com
Hello, My name is Carmen (Connie) Maldonado, and my father was born and raised in Santa Maria Del Oro. My father Sotero Maldonado was running for town Mayor back in 2006. But because he lives in Valle de Juarez, it went against certain rules they have. I have visited Santa Maria and it truely is a very nice and friendly town.
hola!! yo me llamo lupita y soy de san juan de la montaña, aprox a 2 hrs de santa maria, mi mama es de alla, se llama maria maldonado..
yo fui a laas fiestas este enero pasado y estuvieron muy bien, estuve leyendo y me da gusto q gente q tiene tiempo sin ir pueda ver su pueblo a traves de la red...
Hola yo vivo en santa maria del oro y en muchos aspectos ha progresado pero aun se necesita mas por cierto el del caballo le dicen "El Charrasco"
Hola, buen noches soy "La Beba" de Gabriel Farias, who was born in Santa Maria del Oro !! I was raised in Chicago and have relatives and freinds that still live in Chicago. I have since moved to Texas and have lived here for years. I made my first trip to Santa(as my father affectionatelly calls it), at the age of 4!! We flew in to Guadalajara and took the bus to Tamazula, From there we were taken to the Montoso by jeep and dropped off there with a family that let us borrow a horse and a donkey. ( There was no thru traffic as far as cars go!!!Boy what a difference now ,I still recall that early morning that we arrived in Santa Maria 45 yrs. ago !!! It still is beautiful to me ,like the very first time and I still cry each and every time I visit and it's time to leave !!! I feel that strong connection to my town and usually yearn to return when the year rolls around!! It will always be a place I enjoy ,even though I have traveled quite a bit!!!Drinking Cafe de Mojo with my Tio Agustin Farias and listening to his wonderful stories about how the revolution was won and how much gold is buried around!!My email adress is AHDZ54@yahoo.com in case someone wants to write to me!! My tia was Maria Luisa Farias , many people knew and loved her.
Hi My name is Maria Torres and I am the daughter of Hermila Maldonado and my grandparents are Anita Farias and Jesus Maldonado they are both from Santa Maria. my mom and I read Your coments and are very excited to hear from so many people she knows I will be going for the first time to Santa Maria in Jan,09. If any one would like to meet up or hear from my Mom you could write us at:angieg.torres@gmail.com
Hi my name is Marlene Cardenas daughter of Gavino and Esperanza Cardenas.I'm amazed that someone has found and taken the time to write about Santa Maria.Its been a while sice ive gone, but like alot of people have commented the best days are the "fiesta day". If anyone would like to contact me please do so at marlene_c_gonzalez@yahoo.com...I would really like to chat with someone who knows The Cardenasd Family.
hola, mi nombre es Gonzalo Sandoval Barajas yo naci en la casa que esta detras de la iglesia enfrente de la casa de dona Librada farias soy hijo de Rafael Sandoval y de Eustolia Barajas y nieto de Abraham barajas del rancho la limonera, solo quiero decirles que no dejen de visitar su pueblo es muy muy bonito, y gente, sencilla humilde y amable como esa ya queda poca, el comentario de Alicia Hernandez yo conosco bien a tu tio Agustin el y tu tia Luisa son compadres de mi mama tu tia era una persona muy buena y muy educada como tu tio, tu tio le compro el rancho a mi tio Jesus Barajas hermano de mi abuelo, quiero desearles una feliz Navidad a todos, por haya nos vemos en santa maria a finales de diciembre, que dios los bendiga, muchas gracias
Hi my Name is omar and my mom,licha medina, is from santa maria del oro.its fun place to go to during december and january alot of family goes there.everybody there knows everybody and everybody is almost related.it gets beter every year like partys non stop but other than that it gets prety boring.nobody realy dont know about santa maria del oro but thats nice you been there expierence how people in santa maria live.santa maria has alot of history for alittle town like the one sergio said but thats the most known story.please contact me at my email so we can chat some more. my email is Dominguez442@yahoo.com
Hy my name is fabiola rangel and my dad is Audel rangel farias and he was born in la aurora my grandphather is David rangel R.N.P if somewan nose my dad please send a Email to fpfabiponce@gmail.com
hi my name is Lourdes Cardenas I just came back from Santa Maria del Oro I'm not from there but I have famaly at El Nogal it's a ranch closed to santa maria like 40mnts or so. I went on vacation for my first time to santa maria and we loved it. I loved the pelea de gallos I went almost every day I have uncles there Chavez family. And ur right that's the best time to go. Jan 03 to Jan 12 2009
hola mi nombre es Yaidra M. pues yo soy de el montoso jalisco muy sercas de santa maria del oro, me gustaria conocer gente de alla, y pues mi papa conose al guy del caballo es muy bonito alli conosco todo por alla voy segido a visitar a mi familia, tambien conosco a la familia barajas porque mi mama es pariente de ellos, ellos vivian en el montoso guadalupe mi emai es lacolors37@yahoo.com
Wow, bet you didn't think you'd have these many responses to your blog...
I agree with everyone, Santa Maria is a beautiful place to visit and to live.
My father is from Santa Maria. His name is Jose Vargas Cisneros. I have had the pleasure of visiting 5 times in my lifetime and only twice during la funcion.. I have so many wonderful memories of this wonderful town.
I have many relatives that i miss dearly, especially my tia Alicia and her family..
I'll be back soon, and if your ever in town again, i am sure anyone will gladly rent you a room if no hotel rooms are available.
I'd like to hear more stories about the history of Santa Maria that one gentlemen touched on earlier.
any family member can email me at gatita804@yahoo.com
or can find me at myspace.com/gatita804
Hope to hear from anyone
I currently live near Chicago, IL
Adios...familia.... Maria Vargas de Salazar
Hola! Mi nombre es Agustin Del Toro, Hijo de Agustin Del Toro y Clara Farias, Mis Abuelos los Sres. Margarito Del Toro y Fidel Farias (La Ficha.
Me da mucho gusto que por medio de este medio pueda estar en contacto con la gente de mi pueblo,Santa Maria Del Oro Jalisco.
Yo nací y crecí en ese pueblo maravillozo, yo solo tengo buenos recuerdos, de mi infancia fuí increiblemente feliz, veo los nombres y apodos de algunos amigos (casi Hermanos),porque crecimos juntos.
Que pena que el tiempo y la distancia nos haya separado, me gustaria mucho al menos estar en contacto por medio de este medio.
Un abrazo muy fuerte de mi parte.
dale mi correo a quien conoscas quiero enviarles una cancion muy bonita de Santamaria.
mi correo electronico es: gamadeltoro@hotmail.com (619)272 9367 San Diego Ca
god bless you who set up this page my name is rolando del toro and that town is a great town of memories some good some bad but the peace i expirience in that town i will never forget especially las caramicuas god bless the land of santa maria land where my parents borned and trully im proud of have part of that land o mother mary where all the people haves love to give i will be more than happy to chat with anybody from town my e mail is deltoro.rolando@yahoo.com god bless you all
hola saludos para la gente de santa maria del oro y municipios
Hi my name is Jovita Andrade Chavez one of the grandmothers of Santa Maria Del Oro Jalisco former (Manuel M Dieguez)I was born in las Minas and I grew up in Santa Maria Del Oro since was five years, I'm greatly surprised that I can see my home town in this website, I'm happy reading that all these young
people see Santa Maria as I do, beautiful, peacefull, and with very friendly people, It is like being in other planet, I thought that only I have that concept of Santa Maria, now I know that I'm right, because all of you are seeing it as I'm, my email is jovitaandrade@yahoo.com I would like to keep in touch with all of you to share more about Santa Maria Specially de la funsion. Bye
from Chicago.
Hola!!!! a todos mis paisans, que gusto encontrar aqui a tanta gente de mi queridisimo pueblo Santa Maria del Oro Jalisco y a mucha honrra.
Mi nombre es Aurora Núñez, mi mamá se llama tambien Aurora, Gonzaléz, hija de Joaquin Núñez y Maria Gonzaléz, todos de el pueblo, tengo muchos hermanos,-----necesito encontrar a PEDRO CISCEROS, O a gente que conosca familiares de este Sr. el es o era de por el rumbo de Ciudad Gúzman Jal.,el ya es una persona grande de edad.
I wrote a book about me in my home town (Santa Maria del Oro Jalisco)and is dedicated to it, and now I'm looking for help to publish it. I would love to see more pictures.
My e-mail is aurisnunez@hotmail.com
La familia de mi mama es de Santa Maria, los apellidos de familiares son nunez, gonzalez, ochoa, medina, quien conoce a Aurora Nunez?
Hola anonimo, si los apeidos de tu familia son: Núñez, González, Ochoa, Medina, quien eres tu? Mi Mamá se llama Aurora Núñez González, entre mis hermanos esta Rodolfo, Luis, Javier etc.. tal vez conoscas a alguno de ellos.
Pienso ir a la Función de mi pueblo en Enero 2010. Hace ya 5 años que fúi y quiero volver a ir. La verdad es que es un sueño la FÚNCION!!!! En la Función se lleva a cobo una Cultura que ya poco existe en nuestro País, todos deveriamos de ir y vivirla. Es una verdadera chulada!!
Yo sali del pueblo cuando era una niña para viajar y vivir en Chicago. Mi hermano Rodolfo esta casado con Elisa Sanchez Ochoa y Luis con Teresa Maldonado.
El Libro que escribi se trata de vivencias en mi Pueblo Santa Maria del Oro Jalisco
De Morelia Mich. México cual seria la ruta a seguir para llegar a Santa Maria del Oro Jalissco???
Saludos a toda mi gente dode quiera que se encuentren. Aurora Núñez e-mail: aurisnunez@hotmail.com
I am looking for my in-laws Soledad Medina sandoval Sandoval and Jesus Medina and Eduardo, Rodolfo, Chuy, Lupe, Carmen, Columba,Armando.... Please email me at tami.peters@yahoo.com My daughter Rosa Linda Medina would like to talk to them since we lost our home and original phone number and had to move and lost a lot in the process. Please if any one can relay this information it would be greatly appreciated Gracias Thank you!!! Tamara Peters Medina
Please help me find my in laws, Soleda La madre, Jesus el padre, Eduardo, Rodolfo, Lupe, Armando, Chuy Medina
My daughter Rosa Linda Medina wants to contact them so do I. Thank you! Gracias Tamara Peters Medina and Rosa Linda Medina
To Tamara Peters Medina:
I Am A Nuñez-Vargas. I Know Columba y A Doña Soli. & Most Of Her Kids. Columba Lives In Vallejo California.I'm Not Sure Where The Others Live, But I Can Iak Mi mom........
I am looking for my ancestors, according to a relative of mine our family came from Santa Maria Del Oro, probably back in the 20's
My name is Adrian Maldonado, my Dad was Jose Maldonado Chavez, his Mom was Victoria Chaves Ochoa (my Grandma)and his Dad (my Grandpa) was Juan Maldonado.
I was told that back then my Grandpa has an altercation with someone in SMDO that resulted in the death of the other person, that's when he left the town and moved to Tamazula, Jalisco.
Can anyone recognize their last names and do we still have relatives there? I will like to visit them.
Please e-mail with answers or questions adrianonce@yahoo.com thanks
Hola Adrian, Yes, there are Maldonado members in Santa Maria, also some of the Maldonado family moved to Los Reyes Mich. Juan Maldonado lives in los Reyes Mich.
Adrian yo soy de Santa Maria del Oro Jalisco, te mande un mensage al blog, aurisnunez@hotmail.com
I know the Medina's I will contact Armando and let him know you and your daughter are looking for them.
se vende casa en santa maria del oro jalisco. PARA INFORMACION AL TELEF 909 3499991.
wow santa maria del oro my great great grandma and grandpa lived there like in the early 1900s there name was isaura valencia and diego zepeda
hello people out there, my name is jose gonzalez. My parents, gabriel gonzalez-ochoa and olivia gonzalez-diaz, were born in santa maria and visit about once a year.my grandparents, rest in peace, maria and florencio diaz are buried there. i live in Sylmar, California which is about 20 miles north of los angeles. i have alot , i mean alot of family here(uncles aunts cousins brothers and sisters) we all live very close to each other and see each other regularly. im happy i found this site, and hope it helps people from santa maria keep in touch.i would like to hear from anybody else out there who is from santa maria or whos family is from santa maria. thanx and goodbye. jose gonzalez chuckg00@yahoo.com
una pagina pare reunir la gente de Santa Maria del Oro, Jalisco.
hola saludos ala familia de nin que diosito los vendiga. <3
Hola my name is Marisela Cardenas de Blanco... I lived in El Montoso Jalisco since I was a little girl.I came to Santa Maria California on 1987. I live here with my Familia todos los Cardenas y contreras del Montoso... regrese al montoso para visitar a mi familia 7 anos atras... me dio justo saludar a todos y tengo fotos del montoso... I mi megustava ir alas Paletas a santa MAria... el Rancho de nosotros esta todo cambia... casa hermosa de solo vacaciones y familias de otras partes viven alli..
I know i have some cuz here my sur name is Chavez, Nava, Ochoa. I have inherited some land from Santa Maria del Oro from my dads, I have never been there.email me @ mauricio129@hotmail.com
Alejandro Duarte es el corista que contrata el Padre para las fiesta y canta muy bonito. Para conseguir sus CD's pueden llamar al (714)899-7819 y se los envian por correo o buscar en the pagina en Porduccions NIM. Tiene 2 CD's grabados.
My father Antonio Gutierrez recently passed away...he was born in Santa Maria del Oro. I haven't been back since I was a little girl and really regret not taking him this past January. It had been several years since he had been back and really wanted to visit again. I thought I would have more time with him...but time passed me by. We still have family that lives there and I will go back next January and represent my father in his home town.
Is there a hotel in Santa Maria del Oro where I can stay this weekend?
Yes there was one nice motel and one not so nice (nice means clean). Just off the plaza down he hill towards the river, Sane street you come into town on. The grocery store below is the same family. Price used to be $100 pesos
hey Find us on FaceBook now and connect with family and friends
to the blog owner if you could send me those pics of santa maria or upload them to facebook that would be great. thanks Sergio Ochoa Diaz.
Hola Mi nobre es Patty aorita estaba leyenndo todos los comentarios metrajo recuerdos de minines mi mama nasio en un rancho muy serca de ai yamado el publo viejo recuerdo que me comtaba cumo esoeraban DICIENBLE para ir alas fiestas de santa maria mi mama se yamaba ROSARIO ARTEA hija de RAFAEL ARTEAGA Y ANGELINA TORRES amitanbien megusria saber si algien comose a algien de me famili tengo un tio que ba alas fiestas cada ano ES ROBERTO ARTEAGA Y RUBEN ARTEAGA que no los beo desde que mama murio mi email is hphac5lopez@yahoo.com gracis por traer estos rcuerdos
Hi every one my name is Mayra LOpez Hija de Rafael Lopez Nunez (La Macana/ Santa Marias president from 09-2012) and im glad you like our pueblo i live in Atlanta Georgia and i go their every year in January for the fiestas. :)
WOW seen those pictures brought back alot of memories i am married to a Grabriel Contreras (chito) his whole family is from this wonderful town sant mario del oro. So many family, los Gonzalez, los contreras,so many cousins,tios, tias. but not enough time for everyone. I look forword to the wonderl fiestas in Jan 5-15. The people are so nice and willing to help you or feed you. Santa Maria i will return. Yolanda contreras
se vende casa en santa maria del oro jalisco info. (909) 349-99-91
house for sale in santa maria del oro jalisco more info. at (909) 349-99-91
I am Araceli Barjas,and im from Santa Maria Del Oro, and the man on the horse is my uncle Daniel Barajas. :)
Hola me llamo jose y solamente queria saber como estan las cosas por alla , se escuchan tantas cosas de ciertos grupos que no si si ir a visitar ....o me quedo aqui en los estados unidos ....Cualquier comentario se agradecera.
Hello everyone,
My name is Yolanda BARAJAS, daughter of ABIGAEL BARAJAS OCHOA AND IMELDA SANDOVAL IBARRA. My grandparents were PONCIANO SANDOVAL AND ANTONIA IBARRA. I too stumbled on this blog and was amazed to read so many comments in regards to people whos name ring a bell. La Macana, Los Quetes all ring a familiar tone, also Abran and Alica also i know personally because my parents are still great friends with them. I was in Santa Maria a few years back and had the chance to stay w/ alica and abran. Miss the good old days. my email is jolie296@yahoo.com Im sure some of us may be related in someway. I would love to hear more of the actual history. I lament not asking my grandma about the towns past history. My grandfather Ponciano Sandoval was killed when I was about 7 or 8. MISS HIM DEARLY. If anyone knows my grandparents history or the towns deeper roots, please feel free to contact me. JOLIE296@YAHOO.COM
hola soy liseli cisneros hija de antonio cisneros carranza y nieta de jose maldonado (palillo) y a mi me encanta ir a santa maria cada ano durante las fiestas de enero con mi primo alejandro sandoval hijo de salvador sandoval ( el prieto) y pues eso es todo lo que tengo tiempo para decirle por hoy :)
I am a musician who went there to perform during the festivities in Santa Maria. It is a charming little pueblito. The inhabitants are very friendly. I hope to go back there again one of these days.
hola mi nombre es herlinda perez soy del rancho la aurora soy hija de primitivo perez y maria de jesus valencia ibarra y hermana de antonio perez y de 6 hermanos mas el era muy conocido por dondequiera saludos para los que se acuerden de mi.
mi e-mail es sonrisaslinda@live.com
Hi hola
solo queria agradecer a las niñas de la tienda debajo del hotel por su hospitalidad! (No hay baños publicos en el pueblo jeje)
Sta maria un pueblo fantastico! me gustaria volver a ir quede impresionado.
Lo malo y lo interesante a la vez es que sta maria del oro es un pueblo bien aislado del resto del estado.
Un saludo a toda la gente de por aya.
Oceguera, Valencia, Gonzalez, Chavez, Farias, Grajeda, Vargas
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