I've been learning what works, what things are, what the bugs like to ruin, what stops the bugs and what plants do during different seasons.
As you can barely see I have a new pineapple. The plant is about a year old, I bought one, cut the top off and planted it. Wasn't sure it would do well in partial shade but it looks healthy.
Tomatoes are everywhere. My cherry tomato is huge, tired around the edges, turning brown but still cranking out lots of tomatoes every day. It probably will be finished in about a week. The Mexican or Italian tomatoes are popping up all over my compost pile. The largest has 5 big green ones.
The neem tree had a bunch of babies from it's dropped seeds and just waiting until they get big enough to transplant. Neighbor and I are thinking on one side of the jardin/playfield but there's no water there right now. If not, I'll look further.
The corn is only an experiment. I had no luck with some sweet corn seeds I brought down from Seattle .. so a neighbor gave me a couple ears of dry Mexican corn and that's what you see below. The only problem has been either my cat or the neighbors chickens like to get into them.
New pineapple
Volunteer tomatoes
Tomatoes in the compost pile
The largest new Neem
Corn experiment
If I can stay in one place long enough, I would like to try growing heirloom tomatoes.
Being not quite sure what heirloom tomatoes are I looked it up and definitions are pretty vague. Grow pretty fast and maybe year round but wouldn't want to leave them long as heirlooms are less disease resistant and tomatoes generally like a lot of water
Like Steve - we move around too much for this - but it sure looks great - congrats.
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